Site Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Terms starting with a capital letter are defined in the glossary of the site's Terms of Use. Summary 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE 1.1 Preamble 1.2 Glossary 1.3 Access to the site/services 1.4 Creation of a User account 1.5 User obligations relating to the information provided 1.6 Use of contact details appearing on the site 1.7 Limitation of liability 1.8 Advertising and sponsorship of the site 1.9 Hyperlinks 1.10 Copyright and intellectual property of the site/Services 1.11 Additional details relating to trademarks and copyrights appearing on the site 1.12 Copyright and intellectual property rights on the Deposited Files 1.13 Brands1.14 Forum, chat, comments and ratings 1.15 Non-waiver of the application of a clause 1.16 General details of the Conditions of Use 1.17 Applicable law – Attribution of jurisdiction 2 PRIVACY POLICY 2.1 Personal information collected 2.2 Rectification of Personal Information collected 2.3 CNIL declaration 2.4 Cookies 2.5 Observations and suggestions 2.6 Advertising nature of the content 2.7 Date of last update 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE 1.1 Preamble Use of the site entails the unconditional and automatic acceptance by the User of all of these conditions of use and the legal notices as well as the commitment to respect them. se réserve le droit de modifier et de compléter les présentes conditions d’utilisation à tout moment, sans préavis et sans contrepartie. L’Utilisation des services du site après toute modification des présentes vaut acceptation de desdites modifications. Par conséquent, il relève de la responsabilité de l’Utilisateur de prendre connaissance des nouvelles actualisations de ces conditions à chaque nouvelle connexion au site. In the event of disagreement with the modifications made to these general conditions of Use, the User must stop using the site's services. These conditions of use include warranty exclusions and limitations of liability which the User declares to have read. The conditions of use of the site are complementary and cumulative with the legal notices of the site. 1.2 Glossary Les mots ci-dessous, dont la première lettre est en majuscule, seront définis tel qu’il suit dans les présentes:Compte Personnel : Pseudonyme, code confidentiel, espaces et fonctionnalités réservés à l’Utilisateur après inscription sur en remplissant un formulaire en ligne.Fichiers Déposés : fichiers informatiques de tout type (vidéo, photos, articles, textes, etc.) ayant vocation à être déchargés par l’Utilisateur en vue d’être reproduits ou représentés sur le site Personnelles : « toute information relative à une personne physique identifiée ou qui peut être identifiée, directement ou indirectement, par référence à un numéro d’identification ou à un ou plusieurs éléments qui lui sont propres » (article 2 de la loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978). Dans le cadre des présentes, ces dispositions s’appliquent également aux personnes morales. L’adresse IP de l’Utilisateur est notamment une Information Personnelle.Législation Française : Ensemble des textes législatifs, réglementaires et normatifs en vigueur en France.Utilisateur : Internaute, personne physique ou morale, se connectant et/ou utilisant le site Internet L’Utilisateur peut être non-inscrit ou Inscrit tel que ce terme est défini ci-dessous.Utilisateur Inscrit : Utilisateur ayant ouvert un Compte Personnel. 1.3 Access to the site/services The site/services available on is/are accessible to the user at least 23 hours a day, 7 days a week unless otherwise specified. The responsibility of Sir cannot be incurred due to technical unavailability of the connection, whether due in particular to a case of force majeure, maintenance, an update, a modification of the site, an intervention by the host, an internal or external strike, a network failure, a power outage, or even a poor configuration or use of the User's computer. 1.4 Creation of a User account For the purpose of accessing the broader Services of the site, the User must register on the site by opening a Personal Account. To do this, the User must complete the form provided for this purpose and meet the conditions defined below. He will then become a Registered User. Registration is not authorized on behalf of third parties. Registration is strictly personal to each natural or legal person, Registered User. In the event of failure by the Registered User to one of the provisions hereof, reserves the right to terminate the account of said Registered User without notice. 1.5 User obligations relating to the information provided In the event that the User is required to provide information, he undertakes to: – provide real, accurate, up-to-date information at the time of entry into the service registration form, and in particular not to use false names or addresses, or names or addresses without being authorized to do so. – keep registration data up to date with a view to permanently guaranteeing its real, accurate and up-to-date nature; – not make available or disseminate illegal, reprehensible information (such as defamatory, obscene, violent, racist information or remarks or more generally contravening current French legislation, personal rights and good morals) or even harmful ( such as viruses) or illegal such as works over which the User does not have rights of distribution, reproduction, representation (risk of counterfeiting). In the event of violation of these provisions, will be entitled to suspend or terminate the User's access to the services at the sole fault of the latter. 1.6 Use of contact details appearing on the site interdit l’utilisation de ses coordonnées figurant sur le site for canvassing, advertising solicitation or any other commercial purpose. 1.7 Limitation of liability The User expressly agrees to use the site at its own risk and under its exclusive responsibility. The site provides the User with information for information purposes only, as is, with all their imperfections, errors, omissions, inaccuracies and other ambivalences that may exist. In addition, this information must be taken into consideration when it is put online and not when consulting the site. In any case, cannot under any circumstances be held responsible: – any direct or indirect damage, in particular with regard to loss of profits, loss of earnings, loss of customers, loss of data which may, among other things, result from the use of the site, or on the contrary the impossibility of its use; – misuse, poor configuration of the User's computer, or the use of a browser little used by the User; – a malfunction, unavailability of access; – the content of advertisements and other links or external sources accessible by the User from the site 1.8 Advertising and sponsorship of the site The site may contain advertisements. cannot under any circumstances be held responsible either for the content of advertisements or for the consequences of a possible contractual relationship between the User of the site and the publisher or broadcaster of the said advertisement. 1.9 Hyperlinks Any Webmaster is authorized to establish a link from his site to the site In any event, the Webmaster who creates a hypertext link undertakes not to use the mirror site technique or that of deep linking, a technique according to which the pages of the site are nested within the pages of the Webmaster's site, at the risk of civil and/or criminal liability being incurred. The User who would be redirected to a third Internet page via a hyperlink appearing on the site recognizes that does not control the content of the Redirection Sites. Consequently, cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for possible direct or indirect damage due to the use of Sites accessible via the hypertext links contained on the site the User becomes aware of the existence of illegal content, he will inform, and undertakes not to initiate proceedings against him. 1.10 Copyright and intellectual property of the site/Services All elements of the site, in particular the texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs, tree structures and formatting are, except public documents and additional details and with the exception of Deposited Files, the exclusive intellectual property of or its partners. As such, their representations, reproductions, nestings, broadcasts and rebroadcasts, partial or total, are prohibited in accordance with the provisions of article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code. Any person proceeding without being able to demonstrate prior and express authorization from the holder of these rights incurs the penalties relating to the offense of counterfeiting provided for in articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. In any case, on any authorized copy of all or part of the content of the site, must appear the notice “Copyright All rights reserved ". 1.11 Additional details relating to trademarks and copyrights appearing on the site In addition, the Site may employ technical protection measures (TPM) for some of this content. In application of the intellectual protection code, these MTPs are protected: the user therefore undertakes not to attempt to harm/circumvent, in any way whatsoever, these MTPsThese legal notices and conditions of use have been created on the site (copyright Diagnostic and Training – all rights reserved). 1.12 Copyright and intellectual property rights on the Deposited Files The Deposited Files remain the entire property of the depositor or the rights holder who has transferred them to the depositor. Putting them online carries automatic acceptance: (i) a non-exclusive representation and reproduction license, for the maximum duration of the copyrights relating thereto, for the benefit of as host of the Deposited File. This license incidentally allows to adapt the format of the File to the site's file format ; (ii) a non-exclusive representation and reproduction license, for the maximum duration of the related copyright, for the benefit of Users in order to view and/or download said Deposited File for exclusively personal and non-commercial purposes. Acceptance of this license will be validated by the fact that the User agrees to upload the file to the site. User is the sole guarantor of the content of the Files Deposited and discharges of any direct or indirect liability which could be incurred on the basis of the content of the Deposited Files and their distribution, representation, reproduction. The User undertakes to ensure that the Deposited Files comply with French legislation, in particular with regard to concerns personal rights, intellectual property and copyright as well as public order. Any User who notices that Deposited Files infringe French Legislation may report the infringement to Based on this report and verifications, may, on the one hand, withdraw the Deposited File, without notice and without waiver of an action for damages for the damage suffered, and on the other hand, transmit the factual elements to the competent authorities. 1.13 Trademarks The brands and logos contained on the site, with the exception of those contained in the Deposited Files, are deposited by, or possibly by one of its partners. As such, any person carrying out their representations, reproductions, nestings, disseminations and rebroadcasts incurs the sanctions provided for in articles L. 713-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. 1.14 Forum, chat, comments and ratings The site may make available to its users a forum and/or a chat and/or a comment and evaluation system for the site allowing individuals and organizations to present information, views and opinions in the form or not of simultaneous dialogue . On this occasion, the User of the site undertakes to adopt appropriate and respectful conduct towards other People. In any case, reserves the right : – to control the messages, reviews and opinions disseminated by the user within the framework of the forum, the chat or the comments system of the site ; – and possibly proceed to: o the deletion of these messages, reviews and opinions to the extent that they are of an illegal or inappropriate nature, in particular racist, defamatory, slanderous or advertising, o the exclusion of the user who distributes such messages. Contributions in forums, chats, comments and evaluations may or may not be made anonymous. In the event that the User of the site publicly and voluntarily disseminate personal data on forums, chats or comment or evaluation systems, he admits that this data may be collected by third parties and exonerates of any responsibility in this regard. 1.15 Non-waiver of the application of a clause The non-application of a clause of any legal document published by the site does not imply waiver on the part of the site to the application of said clause in the future. 1.16 General details of the Conditions of Use Les logiciels comme multiecuscan,mon-obd,maxiecu,alfaobd, ne feront l’objet d’aucun retour si ceux-ci ont été activés (envoi de licence par exemple) 1.17 Applicable law – Attribution of jurisdiction Conditions of use of the site are governed, interpreted and applied under French law. Only the French courts will have jurisdiction to hear possible disputes relating to these conditions of use and their implementation, in particular their validity, their interpretation, their execution, their termination and their consequences. 2 PRIVACY POLICY 2.1 Personal information collected In France, Personal Information is protected in particular by law n° 78-87 of January 6, 1978, law n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, article 226-16 of the Penal Code and European Directive n° 95 /46/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 24, 1995. On the occasion of the use of the site, the following information is collected in particular which is not considered personal (the “Non-Personal Information”): – the Internet address URL of the links through which the User accessed the site – the User's access provider. When using the site, the Internet protocol (IP) address of the User is collected, information which is considered Personal Information by some jurisprudence and by the also collects the following Personal Information relating to the User (name, email address, telephone contact details) for the purposes of the services offered by the site The User provides said Personal Information with full knowledge of the facts, particularly when he enters it himself. It is then specified to the User of the site the obligatory nature or not of the Personal Information that he would be required to provide. The User proving his identity has the possibility of requesting from, à l’adresse électronique : – the verification of personal data concerning him which has been the subject of collection by or on his behalf; – information relating to the purposes of processing this data; – information relating to the identity and geographic location of the recipients of this data; – the communication of a copy of this data delivered free of charge, to the extent that such a request is not abusive, in particular by its repetitive and disproportionate nature. No Personal Information (including Additional Personal Information, if applicable) of the Site User is not: – collected without the User’s knowledge; – published without the User’s knowledge; – exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any medium to third parties. Only the hypothesis of the repurchase of and its rights would allow the transmission of said information to the possible purchaser who would in turn be bound by the same obligation of conservation and modification of data with respect to the User of the Moreover, is authorized to carry out studies and statistical analyzes on the use and typology of Users of the site, subject to maintaining their anonymity. 2.2 Rectification of Personal Information collected In accordance with the provisions of article 40 of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the User has the right to modify the personal data collected concerning him. To do this, the User sends to :- un courrier électronique à l’adresse , – un courrier à l’adresse ,en indiquant son nom ou sa raison sociale, ses coordonnées physiques et/ou électroniques, ainsi que le cas échéant la référence dont il disposerait en tant que membre du site The modification will take place within a reasonable time from receipt of the User's request. 2.3 CNIL declaration The site collecting Additional Personal Information from its Users, it has been the subject of a prior declaration to the CNIL registered under the receipt number “In progress”. 2.4 Cookies A “Cookie” allows the identification of the User, the personalization of their consultation of the site and speeding up the layout of the site by saving a data file on your computer. The User acknowledges being informed of this practice and authorizes Sir to proceed. In any case, Sir undertakes never to communicate the content of these “Cookies” to third parties, except in the event of legal requisition. The User can refuse the recording of “Cookies” or configure their browser to be notified before accepting “Cookies”. To do this, the User will configure their browser from the “tool” menu of their browser. 2.5 Observations and suggestions Il est possible de transmettre des observations et des suggestions au responsable du site à l’adresse électronique 2.6 Advertising nature of the content In any case, where applicable, informs the User of the advertising nature of the content of the site 2.7 Date of last update La dernière mise à jour de ces politique de confidentialité et conditions d’utilisation sont en date du 2022-06-19.Ces conditions d’utilisation ont été créées sur le site – copyright Diagnostic et Formation – tous droits réservés. Version 7.2 entrée en vigueur le 01/02/2015. |