Frequently Asked Questions

Delivery :

What are your delivery times?

The processing of your order, the manufacturing and (free) delivery of your products requires a delay of 7 to 25 working days by our team (with an average delay of 10-12 days). We do our best to ensure that you receive your order as soon as possible without affecting the quality of our products.

Which country do you deliver to?

We can deliver our products worldwide.

My order is not complete, items are missing.

In case your order contains multiple items, these items may be shipped separately, depending on available inventory and shipping warehouse. Don't worry, your package will arrive soon.

How do I track my package?

Once the order is shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number, but sometimes tracking is not available due to free shipping. For logistical reasons, purchased goods may be sent in different packaging.

Returns policy

If you are not completely satisfied with your order, you can exchange or return it within 15 days of receipt. You can contact us via

To receive a refund or exchange, the item must be returned:

  • in its original condition (so only the unfinished diamond embroidery);
  • that the damage was mentioned upon receipt;
  • without traces of use

Items you cannot return

  • Items damaged after use

How to search for products?

Search for products by entering the product name or keyword into the search bar at the top of each page. Try entering a general description. The more keywords you use, the fewer products you will get in the results page. When you find a product you are interested in, simply click on the product name or product image for more details.

What is buyer protection?

Buyer Protection is a set of safeguards that allows buyers to shop with confidence on our website.

You are protected when:

  • The item you ordered did not arrive within the time promised by the seller.
  • The item you received does not conform to the description.

How long do refunds take

After receiving your returned merchandise, we will ensure that the amount of your purchase is credited to your account within 12 days.

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